Altitude Proven Angus Seedstock
Altitude Proven Angus Seedstock
For over half of a century, Paintrock Angus has had the privilege of raising registered Black Angus cattle. We have strived to use herd sires that produce some of the top carcass, growth, calving ease and maternal sires.
Rigorous culling, both by man and nature, have created a low maintenance herd. Our registered herd is managed the same as our commercial herd; no pampering, no extra feed and summered at elevations from 4,500 to 8,000 feet.
We are currently your source for:
- uniformity
- carcass quality
- growth
- calving ease
- big stout, thick bulls
- cattle adapted to Big Country & High Altitude
- maternal strength, low maintenance & good disposition
As you can see, we have a lot to offer any commercial or purebred operation! Please take a look at what we have to offer.